Keeping children safe online

A Parent’s Guide to Live Streaming

skips safety net skips safety net What is live streaming?
Live streaming is the broadcasting of real-time, live video to an audience over the Internet. It is highly popular with young people as it presents the chance for them to be a creator, a presenter and to be seen by a potentially huge audience.
skips safety net Who can live stream?
Anyone can live stream. All you need to be able to live stream, is an Internet enabled device, like a smart phone or tablet, and an account to a social media platform to broadcast on.
You can broadcast anything you are doing at any given time, across the world without delay or edit. As its live, the content is not moderated or censored and strangers can easily talk directly to children. This is understandably worrying for parents.
skips safety net skips safety net What are the risks?
As with any form of social media, there are risks. These include receiving negative comments, exposing more personal information than intended and contact from strangers.
There is also the risk of possible exposure to sexualised content, both visually and through chat, and the loss of control of a streamed video once online as there is nothing to stop it being recorded, shared and used to threaten or blackmail.

What you can do to help keep your child safe online

  • It is important to have regular conversations with your child about their Internet habits and how they communicate online.
  • Ask your child about live streaming, their views on it and if it’s something that they currently do, or have thought of taking part in.
  • If your child has or follows any streaming channels online, then if you subscribe to them, you will be able receive the content as well and be better prepared in helping to advise your child.
  • Always let your child know that they should never purchase anything online without gaining your permission first.
  • Always let your child know that they should always say if they see or hear anything online that makes them feel scared or uncomfortable and to never arrange to meet someone who they have met online.
  • Let them know that they do not have to feel as though they have done something wrong, nobody is going to get cross and it is not their fault.
  • If you are concerned with anything you or your child has seen or asked to do, please call Childline or tell your child’s school.

Always encourage your child to:

tell a trusted adult
Tell a parent or trusted adult, like a teacher.
older brother or sister
Tell an older brother or sister.
childline 0800 1111
Tell Childline.

They will know how to help.


Our award-winning Safety Net workbook

Safety Net book and pages

Safety Net is an award-winning fun and colourful resource packed with 24 pages of engaging content, illustrations, crosswords and wordsearch puzzles proven to help children stay safe when using the Internet, social media, gaming and more.

The friendly format will encourage your child, from an early age, to be open about what they do and see online without fearing they have done something wrong.

Suitable for:

  • Children 6-14 years.
  • All parents to read to their young children.

Now available as a standalone resource outside of our school workshop and webinar programmes.

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