Keeping children safe online

Safety Net Competition

    Parent/Guardian details:

    Title:   First Name:   Surname:


    Child's details:

    First Name:   Surname:

    School:   Town or City:

    Well done! Simply copy your coloured letters from page 18 of your Safety Net book into the matching coloured boxes below and complete the competition sentence.

    To stay safe online, I will


    To SUBMIT your entry successfully you will need to simply fill in this short survey and then press Enter Competition

    1. Did your child enjoy reading the book?

    2. Including yourself, how many other people read (all or some) of this book?
    123456 or more

    3. Did the book help with discussing how to keep safe online?

    4. After reading Safety Net, will you be doing anything different at home that will help to better keep your child safe online?

    5. Would you like to make any other comments or feedback?

    I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the child named and I agree to the terms and conditions of the competition.

    Please tick to confirm acceptance: