Keeping children safe online

Live practitioners CPD webinar

in partnership with MAAPP

skips safety net workshop

Bringing frontline practitioners together online

Many parents worry about what their children are doing online, yet very few know of the real dangers.

This 90-minute live session is hard hitting and will:

  • raise your awareness to the good, the bad and the ugly of the Internet and what children are doing online.
  • highlight the real dangers children are unknowingly at risk of when they’re using the Internet, social media, gaming and more.
  • help you gain an understanding of perpetrators and the models used for online grooming, to include sexting, CSE, gangs, fake news, radicalisation and bullying.

As part of the live virtual webinar session, you will require to have in front of you a copy of our Safety Net parental engagement resource. The resource is vital to the training and an essential tool to support you effectively in your work to enhance parent-carer engagement.

We will post your resource directly to the address you enter when registering. 

Safety Net book and pages
Register and receive your Safety Net book for FREE!

Watch this video and book your place now

Monday 29th November at 6.30pm

skips safety net webinar

This event does not allow attendees to activate their camera or microphone. You can’t be seen or heard.

skips safety net webinar

You can ask the presenter questions ‘live’ through a text chatbox that will appear on your screen.

There will not be any webcam access for attendees during this live webinar, so don’t worry if you don’t look your best. You can join this event using either a computer, a tablet or a smartphone with internet access. 

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“Eye-opening. I’m shocked, I never knew. All parents need to attend this.”

Neelam, parent

“Very informative, lots of information given in the simplest form. I’m already looking forward to sharing the book.”

Bill, grandparent and carer